Concentration risk: The fund focuses in investing in a single sector, which may give rise to higher concentration risk than funds that invests in more diversified sectors. Market risk: Value of this fund investments could decrease due to movements in financial markets. The value of the fund can be extremely volatile and could go down substantially within a short period of time. It is possible that your investment value could suffer substantial loss. Volatility risk: The fund may be exposed to the risk of volatility of the equity markets and could thus be subject to strong price movements. A strong movement of the volatility of the equity markets could conduct to negatively impact the performance of a fund according to its investment objective. Equity risk: Investment in common stocks and other equity securities are subject to market risk that historically has resulted in greater price volatility than experienced by bonds and other fixed income securities.Exchange rate risk: The fund may be invested, according to variable proportions and limits, in values and instruments expressed in other currencies than the base currency of the fund and, consequently, may lead to be exposed to a variation of the exchange rates. Risk attached to the use of Financial Derivative Instruments: The fund may invest in FDI for hedging purpose and for the purpose of efficient portfolio management only. Investment in FDI is subject to additional risks, including credit risk of the issuer, liquidity risk, counterparty risk and valuation risk. In adverse situation, the use of FDI may become ineffective in hedging/efficient portfolio management and the fund may suffer significant losses. |